Benefits of Membership
AOMWA is a not-for-profit trade association created to represent the interests of Ohio publicly-owned treatment works and municipal wastewater treatment agencies. The benefits you gain by membership in AOMWA include:
Peer-to-Peer - AOMWA provides a forum for members to share their experiences and advance their knowledge of the management, technology, and regulatory trends in the industry. AOMWA members represent Ohio wastewater utilities of varying sizes, which provides for wide-ranging discussion and learning opportunities from communities facing similar challenges.
Collective Knowledge - AOMWA tracks and advises members on regulatory and legislative developments in Ohio that have the potential to impact their operations, often well before these changes are adopted. By proactively monitoring these developments, AOMWA helps to ensure that members can effectively plan for upcoming changes, and if needed, advocate in favor of approaches that better support their efforts to effectively treat wastewater in Ohio.
Advocacy - AOMWA is active in researching and commenting on proposed regulatory and legislative initiatives and participating in open dialogue with Ohio EPA, legislators, and others, concerning how these initiatives may affect our members. AOMWA is recognized as a trusted resource for constructive feedback and is very active in providing comments to regulators and testimony in response to proposed legislative action.
Current Members:

Membership in AOMWA is limited to metropolitan wastewater treatment entities of cities or areawide political subdivisions in the State of Ohio. Membership applications are considered by the Board for approval. Annual dues are based on service area population and are subject to approval annually by the membership. Additional membership and dues information is available to prospective members upon request.